Item Finder, Investigator, Detectives, Searcher of Lost property

Contact Us

Whether you lost a wallet, keys, a flash drive, or a sentimental item, like an old photo, lost love letter, rare coin, or pocket watch, we’ll look for it, in your attic, basement, neighborhood, park, beach, or as directed by the client.

Items Lost at Home

If an item was lost in a home, we suggest you follow these steps, or hire us, and hopefully our fresh eyes will spot the item.

How to find lost property

  1. Relax. You won’t be good at retracing your steps if you are a bundle of nerves and anxiety.
  2. First, we’ll try to get an accurate account from the person who lost the item, when and where they last saw the item.
  3. We’ll ask the client to try to calmly retrace his/her steps and write down all locations you believe you could have lost the item.
  4. We’ll also ask the client if they recall moving the item the past few days within the home
  5. We’ll also follow up with other household members who may have seen the item, as well as any visitors who were in the area before and after the item disappeared. We’ll also ask them if they recall moving the item.
  6. We’ll start by searching the area you last recall seeing the item.
  7. We’ll search under chairs, tables, cracks and crevices in the room, within piles of paper, behind dressers etc. We’ll also search jackets, bags, pockets, and your car (especially underneath the seat)
  8. If necessary, we’ll suggest you tidy up your car, home and workspace. Oftentimes, lost objects are found within two feet of where they should be. Double check all pockets, seat cushions, under chairs, sofas, behind tables, closets, under sinks, cracks and crevices within the home, briefcases and bags you would have handled during the time you may have lost it.
  9. We’ll also view any video surveillance systems which may be available.
  10. If the item is not inside your home, we’ll expand the search to any location you may have moved the item to within the past week. Some people fail to search an area the item was lost in, because they forgot they were in that location, and in some cases, someone may have moved the item to another location.

Once the home has been thoroughly searched, we’ll expand the search to outside of the home. Sometimes clients believe they lost an item inside the home but lost it outside the home. IE: I went to the bank with my check book and bought it back. Well maybe the check book was thought to have been returned home, and maybe it was left in the bank, so in a case such as this, we’ll contact the bank and see if it was left behind. If necessary, we’ll retrace the clients route from the bank to home.

Items Lost Outside the Home

  1. We’ll ask the client to try to calmly retrace his/her steps mentally and write down every location he/she visited.  We’ll also ask the client to write down the route and specify where the client parked.
  2. We’ll go to the bank, supermarket, drug store, and any other location you may have visited, and If approved, we’ll post fliers along the way.
  3. If the client lost a wallet, we’ll start looking in dumpsters and trash cans near where you may have lost it. Someone may have come across it, emptied it out and tossed the IDs nearby.
  4. If the client was partaking in a recreational activity, we’ll search beaches, parks, the gym, restaurants, amusement parks, nightclubs, and more.
  5. If we do not get any positive results at the location the client believes the item was lost, we’ll retrace the clients route to and from the location. You tell us where you think you lost the item, and we’ll use ever legal tool available to look for your item.

Tools at our Disposal

  1. We operate metal detectors which we can use to search for metallic items such as bracelets, rings and chains on beaches and parks.
  2. We operate drones to cover large areas, which we use to search for larger items or lost pets and people. Note: Drones are only used in remote areas such as forest, farms and other remote locations.
  3. Bloodhound tracking dogs, we use to search for lost pets or people, or anything which carries a scent.
  4. We’ll do our best to retrace all your steps and stops to cover every possible location where you may have lost your item.
  5. Notifications: We’ll make calls, send emails, post flyers and/or make visits to the local Police Department concerned, and/or any other useful agencies and organizations.
  6. Social Media postings
  7. At times, we may encourage the client to post a reward, if we think that it would be helpful